After the summer of all summers we are left with exponential growth and an amazing array of flowering perennials and shrubs.
I have a hibiscus in my own garden that hasn’t flowered for the last seven years, this year it blessed me with many blooms and continues to do so. However, there have been many casualties. What I realise is that nearly all that I’ve witnessed turned out to be weakened plants already and unable to deal with the extreme heat. Cutting back to prolong flowering of perennials Is an excellent way to extend the season, and now is a good time!
Cut back flowered and spent perennials to the new growth at the base of plant. there is a chance of a second and even third flush if our Indian summer continues through to October.
Also on your list of things to do in the garden and given that we’ve had some rain fall in the last few weeks, an autumn application for the lawn should be spread now. Follow instructions to the T and it will prepare the lawn for the next season. Although grass took a beating it is a surprisingly robust plant and generally springs back after rainfall. In other words don’t waste time and resources watering despite it being frightening to see the grass go brown.
Cutting back
After the summer of all summers we are left with exponential growth and an amazing array of flowering perennials and shrubs.
I have a hibiscus in my own garden that hasn’t flowered for the last seven years, this year it blessed me with many blooms and continues to do so. However, there have been many casualties. What I realise is that nearly all that I’ve witnessed turned out to be weakened plants already and unable to deal with the extreme heat.
Cutting back to prolong flowering of perennials Is an excellent way to extend the season, and now is a good time!
Cut back flowered and spent perennials to the new growth at the base of plant. there is a chance of a second and even third flush if our Indian summer continues through to October.
Also on your list of things to do in the garden and given that we’ve had some rain fall in the last few weeks, an autumn application for the lawn should be spread now. Follow instructions to the T and it will prepare the lawn for the next season. Although grass took a beating it is a surprisingly robust plant and generally springs back after rainfall. In other words don’t waste time and resources watering despite it being frightening to see the grass go brown.